Expert in Sustainable Aquaculture and Pond Ecosystems

Welcome to Shells & Valves, a company fully engaged in sustainable aquaculture. We, at Shells & Valves are passionate about harnessing the power of the oceans and waterways to provide fresh, nutritious seafood while respecting the delicate balance of our aquatic ecosystems. 

Leading the way in environmentally conscious and economically viable aquaculture practices, our company is a true pioneer in sustainable aquaculture.

Nancy Nevejan, PhD, ir Business Leader
Nancy Nevejan, PhD, ir - Business Leader

Explore our website to learn more about our aquaculture projects, our commitment to environmental stewardship, and how we are making a difference in the global food supply chain. 

Dive deeper with us into the future of aquaculture.

Graduated as bio-engineer, specialized in hydrobiology (Ghent University, Belgium) and rural economy (Ecole nationale supérieur d’agronomie Montpellier, France), I started my professional career in West and East-Africa, leading projects that supported the production of Tilapia in ponds (Mali, Burkina Faso) and limnological research on Lake Victoria (Kenya). After 7 years of activities in the freshwater environment, I entered the world of marine bivalve production.

As project manager, I ran several bivalve hatcheries in Chili, the Netherlands and Vietnam and formulated feed for blue mussels as R&D researcher for the private feed company INVE. In 2009, I joined Ghent University for 14 years, as head of the mollusc group at the Laboratory for Aquaculture and Artemia Reference Center and lecturer.

Research at UGent initially focused on a better understanding of the immune system and nutritional needs of bivalves and the promotion of bivalve culture in the offshore windparks of the Belgian part of the North Sea. In more recent years, the integration of aquaculture with nature restoration became key.

Since Oktober 2023, I am independent consultant and engage fully in restorative aquaculture.

MISSION statement

Our mission is to innovate in aquaculture practices, ensuring that we can meet today’s demand for seafood without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own. It is important that the aquaculture developments are verified against the planetary boundaries in order to create a net-positive effect. Increasing biodiversity is key to close the natural nutrient cycles and we look at alternative aquaculture systems that can contribute to closing those cycles, so that less external input (nutrients, energy, chemicals and materials) is needed and less waste and pollution is produced. We believe that this approach will lead to the restoration of ecosystems and their functionality.

Within the European context, the creation of Multi-Use Platforms is key in developing a sustainable offshore aquaculture sector. MUPs offer the possibility of optimizing the use of marine space, reducing conflicts among different users, and promoting sustainable and synergistic interactions between various ocean-based activities. We focus in particular on the integration of aquaculture and passive fisheries with the production of wind energy and  nature restoration. In this way, it is possible to create more sustainable and resilient food production systems that take into account the health of the environment and the well-being of local communities.

What do we offer

Graduated as bio-engineer and specialized in bivalve nutrition (Phd in biological sciences), we have a long track record of national and international research and development projects in the Blue Economy.

Nature-inclusive offshore aquaculture

  • Conceptualizing Multi-use Platforms
  • Modelling site selection
  • Oysterreef restoration


Technical support bivalve hatcheries

  • Optimizing larval and spat production of blue mussel, oysters and carpet shells
  • Broodstock conditioning
  • Micro-algae production


Curriculum development in aquaculture

  • Courses and practica
  • Quality control
  • General organization


Training courses in regenerative tropical aquaculture

  • Introduction to the concept of planetary boundaries
  • Optimizing production through integration (IMTA) and circularity
  • Basic principles water management and disease prevention

Nature-inclusive offshore aquaculture

  • Conceptualizing Multi-use Platforms
  • Modelling site selection
  • Oysterreef restoration

Technical support bivalve hatcheries

  • Optimizing larval and spat production of blue mussel, oysters and carpet shells
  • Broodstock conditioning
  • Micro-algae production

Curriculum development in aquaculture

  • Courses and practica
  • Quality control
  • General organization

Training courses in regenerative tropical aquaculture

  • Introduction to the concept of planetary boundaries
  • Optimizing production through integration (IMTA) and circularity
  • Basic principles water management and disease prevention


30 years of experience

With more than 30 years of experience in aquaculture in the North and the South, we can help you from the conceptualization of your aquaculture project till its execution.

  • Expert bivalve hatcheries in Chili (Calbuco), Vietnam (RIA3) and The Netherlands (Yerzeke)
  • Project manager European funded projects such as:
    • EFMAF Edulis – blue mussel production in offshore windparks in BNS
    • EU Horizon2020 United – flat oyster & seaweed aquaculture and oyster restoration in offshore windpark in BNS
  • Expert for Nuffic (The Netherlands) – Tailor Made Trainings (TMT’s) in aquaculture in Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Bhutan

current projects

  • Developing Vision on aquaculture in offshore windparks for the Belgian part of the North Sea (Minister of the North Sea Natural Science Institute)
  • TMT (Nuffic, the Netherlands) in Vietnam (2023-2024) : Capacity Building for food system transformation: evaluating financial, ecological and social impact of different (shrimp) production systems and preparation for nature-positive rural development towards resilient, integrated and equitable ‘Food & Water’ systems in Ca Mau Province of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta


Nancy Nevejan, PhD. ir.

Business Leader


Phone : + 32 478 529 228

E-mail :

Adress : Kortrijkstraat 81, B-8550 Zwevegem, Belgium


Active member of Native Oyster Reef Alliance (NORA)

Member of ICES working group open ocean aquaculture

Member Advisory board Aquaculture of the Flemish Aquaculture Platform